The values we stand for
We respect each other, we recognise our abilities, our value and the fact that we can influence things for the better.
We treat others the way we want to be treated ourselves.
We accept those who are different from us but have good character (high sense of morality, integrity, etc.).
We value diversity of ideas, opinions and experiences.
We love what we do and are eager to contribute our experience, will and resources to support the sustainable development of the aquatic ecosystems.
We would like to be an inspiration to others. We try going beyond our limits.
We are proud to be members of Fly Fishing Club Sibiu, surrounded by like-minded people who inspire a sense of passion and involvement.
We are honest, open and always try to do the right thing. We maintain objectivity in every interaction. We keep our word and react to unethical and unprofessional behavior.
We are eager to learn new things and we have to learn fast. We admit our mistakes and learn from our experiences. We share knowledge, best practices and innovate. We remain open to change and embrace it in a way that encourages collaboration and adaptability.
Respectand urmatoarele valori:
Suntem onesti, deschisi si intotdeauna facem lucrurile asa cum trebuie. Ne pastram obiectivitatea in orice interactiune. Ne tinem de cuvant si reactionam fata de comportamente lipsite de etica si profesionalism.s.
Ne place ceea ce facem si suntem dornici sa contribuim cu experienta, participarea si resursele noastre pentru a sustine dezvoltarea durabila a ecosistemelor din gestiune. Suntem o sursa de inspiratie pentru ceilalti. Ne depasim limitele. Suntem mandri sa fim membrii in Flyfishing Club Sibiu, inconjurati de oameni care gandesc la fel ca noi si le inspiram celor din jur sentimentul de pasiune si implicare.
We are honest, open and always try to do the right thing. We maintain objectivity in every interaction. We keep our word and react to unethical and unprofessional behavior.
We are eager to learn new things and we have to learn fast. We admit our mistakes and learn from our experiences. We share knowledge, best practices and innovate. We remain open to change and embrace it in a way that encourages collaboration and adaptability.