Our Mission

Our mission is to support the development of sustainable and thriving ecosystems, to understand their needs, to help them reach their full potential and to provide the optimal framework for recreational fishing activities in full respect of nature and legislation.

Our Vision

We want our aquatic ecosystems to be compliant to a higher standard in Romania and beyond. Our vision is to represent Romania's aquatic ecosystem where recreational fishermen, members, and our partners share each other's experience and mobilize resources to create value.

The values we stand for


We respect each other, we recognise our abilities, our value and the fact that we can influence things for the better.

We treat others the way we want to be treated ourselves.

We accept those who are different from us but have good character (high sense of morality, integrity, etc.).

We value diversity of ideas, opinions and experiences.

catch and release


We love what we do and are eager to contribute our experience, will and resources to support the sustainable development of the aquatic ecosystems.

We would like to be an inspiration to others. We try going beyond our limits.

We are proud to be members of Fly Fishing Club Sibiu, surrounded by like-minded people who inspire a sense of passion and involvement.


We are honest, open and always try to do the right thing. We maintain objectivity in every interaction. We keep our word and react to unethical and unprofessional behavior.



We are eager to learn new things and we have to learn fast. We admit our mistakes and learn from our experiences. We share knowledge, best practices and innovate. We remain open to change and embrace it in a way that encourages collaboration and adaptability.

  • 2020

    In 2020 but also in the future, the association will continue to work on sustainable stocking and ecology and, of course, we will not stop empowering the community to keep the wonders of nature intact.

  • 2018-2019

    The year 2018 was a year of consolidation in which the association continued its stocking and ecology plan for the rivers.
    Anul 2019 a venit cu o noua runda in care ANPA acorda in concesiune-gestiune un nou set de ape. Prin contractul Nr.79 11.04.2019 asociatia primeste in concesiune-gestiuen si urmatoarele ape: Paraul Nou Roman, Raul Lotrioara, Paraul Talmaciu, Paraul Valea Strambei, Paraul Valea Rindiboului, Paraul Raul Vadului, Paraul Talmacut, Raul Sadu Inferior, Raul Dobra, Raul Maghura Cisnadiei, Lacul Montan Sadu II, Lacul Montan Iezerul Mic. Avand noi ape in concesiune-gestiune am primit un nou set de responsabilitati pe care le vom aborda cu profesionalismul si pasiune ca si pana acum.

  • 2017

    The year 2017 comes with an opportunity that fishing associations have long hoped for, namely the concession-management of the waters under the administration of ANPA (Romanian Fishing Association). The members of the Association together with other fishing enthusiasts consider this opportunity a challenge that they decide to take up. 26 02/10/2017 (concerning the concession of the Guraului Raului Reservoir, the "Iezerul Mare" Glacial Lake, the Great Cibin River, the Little Cibin River, the Avrig River as well as the Stezii Valley) meetings between the members of the Association are held regularly, the plans are updated and the actions that define the FFCS philosophy take shape.

  • 2010-2016

    From 2010 to 2016, the activity of the Association was limited to the protection and conservation of the waters in Sibiu county, to the support of the competent authorities in various actions of the population with juveniles, to the promotion and practice of artificial fly fishing in order to raise the awareness of the riparian population on the potential of tourism development.


Respectand urmatoarele valori:


Suntem onesti, deschisi si intotdeauna facem lucrurile asa cum trebuie. Ne pastram obiectivitatea in orice interactiune. Ne tinem de cuvant si reactionam fata de comportamente lipsite de etica si profesionalism.s.


Ne place ceea ce facem si suntem dornici sa contribuim cu experienta, participarea si resursele noastre pentru a sustine dezvoltarea durabila a ecosistemelor din gestiune. Suntem o sursa de inspiratie pentru ceilalti. Ne depasim limitele. Suntem mandri sa fim membrii in Flyfishing Club Sibiu, inconjurati de oameni care gandesc la fel ca noi si le inspiram celor din jur sentimentul de pasiune si implicare.


We are honest, open and always try to do the right thing. We maintain objectivity in every interaction. We keep our word and react to unethical and unprofessional behavior.


We are eager to learn new things and we have to learn fast. We admit our mistakes and learn from our experiences. We share knowledge, best practices and innovate. We remain open to change and embrace it in a way that encourages collaboration and adaptability.