Lower Sadu River

  • Valea Pinului up to the confluence with the Olt River is a CATCH & RELEASE fishing area.

Lotrioara River

  • Fishing is allowed along the entire length of the waters from the source to the confluence with the Olt River, with the retention of a maximum of 3 pieces of trout with a minimum size of 25cm.

Lotrioara River

  • Pe toata lungimea apei de la izvoare pana la confluenta cu Raul Olt pescuitul este permis cu retinerea a maxim 3 bucati de pastrav avand o dimensiune minima de 25cm.

Vadului River (Capraret), Talmacut Creek

  • Along the entire length of the waters from the springs to the confluence with the Olt River fishing is allowed with the retention of a maximum of 3 pieces of trout with a minimum size of 25cm.

Talmaciu Stream, Magura River

  • Along the entire length of the waters from the springs to the confluence with the Olt River fishing is allowed with the retention of a maximum of 3 pieces of trout with a minimum size of 25cm.

Talmaciu Stream, Magura River

  • Along the entire length of the waters from the springs to the confluence with the Olt River fishing is allowed with the retention of a maximum of 3 pieces of trout with a minimum size of 25cm.

Lower Cibin River, Sadu II Mountain Lake, Gura Raului Accumulation Lake

  • Lower Cibin River - downstream Guraului Accumulation Lake to the road bridge Cristian commune
  • on the Gura Raului reservoir it is forbidden to retain native trout
  • Apart from the above, it is allowed to retain a maximum of 3 pieces of trout with a minimum size of 25cm.